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Maine BIPOC Trivia Night

Are you looking for ways to meet other people in the BIPOC community and have lots of fun doing so? Join us for our next third Thursday trivia night. You don’t need t be a trivia buff to have a good time or win prizes. It’s the perfect way to socialize as we move into these dark winter months. You don’t even have to leave the comfort of your home.

All trivia prizes are from BIPOC-owned businesses. The more folx who participate, the more support to a local BIPOC-owned business. It’s a win-win. It’s our way of showing some love and support within our own communities.

Thursday, February 21, 2021
7-9 p.m.

To register:

Participation: This event is for individuals who identify as Black, Indigenous, or People of Color. All ages 18+ are welcome.

After you register, you will receive a link to the Zoom. We will provide a brief overview of The Third Place and then the whole group will do short introductions, then the group will be split into breakout rooms for more detailed introductions. The host will bring everyone back and give an overview of the trivia night theme and provide a fun trivia question. The host will then send participants back to breakout rooms for participants to solve their challenge as a group. The host will reconvene several times for teams to report back as a large group and teams to get a new question. Challenges come in the form of photos, videos, audio, and/or straight questions.

Don’t worry about forming a team. The host will assign all teams at random.

We hope you join us. It’s so much fu

February 26

Maine ECO-POC Planning Meeting

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Women's Leadership Alliance